08/2022 Buchbeiträge

Gronau, Norbert | Weber, Edzard | Wander, Paul | Ullrich, André

A regional remanufacturing network approach. Modeling and simulation of circular economy processes in the era of Industry 4.0


Manufacturing companies still have relatively few points of contact with the circular economy. Especially, extending life time of whole products or parts via remanufacturing is an promising approach to reduce waste. However, necessary cost-efficient assessment of the condition of the individual parts is challenging and assessment procedures are technically complex (e.g., scanning and testing procedures). Furthermore, these assessment procedures are usually only available after the disassembly process has been completed. This is where conceptualization, data acquisition and simulation of remanufacturing processes can help. One major constraining aspect of remanufacturing is reducing logistic efforts, since these also have negative external effects on the environment. Thus regionalization is an additional but in the end consequential challenge for remanufacturing. This article aims to fill a gap by providing an regional remanufacturing approach, in particular the design of local remanufacturing chains. Thereby, further focus lies on modeling and simulating alternative courses of action, including feasibility study and eco-nomic assessment.

Kategorie Buchbeiträge
Autoren Gronau, Norbert; Weber, Edzard; Wander, Paul; Ullrich, André
Erscheinungsort Berlin
Bandtitel Digitization of the work environment for sustainable production
Chairs/Hrsg. Peter Plappert
Datum 08/2022
pp. 145 - 170
Verlag GITO
DOI doi.org/10.30844/WGAB_2022_8
ISBN 978-3-95545-407-4